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FC2401 Bombala Harvesting Services - FCNSW Softwood Plantations Division - FC2401

RFT Type Request for Proposals
Published 14-Mar-2024
Closes 30-Apr-2024 5:00pm
Category Trees and plants
Agency Forestry Corporation of NSW

Contact Person
Tom Waters
Phone: 0477 019 181
Mobile: 0477 019 181

Tender Details

FCNSW is seeking to appoint either a single or multiple contractors to perform the services being offered. Proposals can be submitted for a single system or a combination of systems, each contractor can submit multiple proposals for work to maximise efficiencies and providing solutions to the task. FCNSW is endeavouring to allocate the best combination of work from submissions received.


Parcels are anticipated to be awarded 31st July 2024 and contracts will be commencing 1st January 2025. The contract term is five (5) years with a maximum term of six (6) years. The contracts are required to support existing long-term sales agreements with Forestry Corporation’s existing customers. 


NSW Regions: Southern Highlands

RFT Type

Request for Proposals - An invitation for expressions of interest / seeking preliminary proposals. In many cases these may be used as a basis for shortlisting tenderers, along with other criteria such as expertise and experience. Prospective tenderers are initially evaluated for their proposal against the relevant selection criteria. A number of those who best meet the criteria are invited to tender. For complex or some other types of procurement, where the product or service outcomes are highly dependent on the content of the proposals received from Tenderers, the outcome may be negotiated.

Additional Details / Instructions

Respondents must register through NSW Government e Tender to access the RFP Document and attend one (1) of the two (2) planned Respondent Briefing Sessions. Each Respondent is to arrange self-guided site inspections or a guided session can be arranged through request via FCNSW Contact Officer. Site inspections are encouraged to assist them with pricing their proposal.


Example inspection sites with maps are supplied. 

Address for Lodgement

To obtain the RFP document and lodge submissions, visit the NSW Government eTender website and register your details. Submissions close 5:00PM on Monday 29th April 2024.

Conditions for Participation

Proponents must meet all Safety, Financial, operational, equipment and process mandatory requirements as advised in the RFP. Work parcels may have Vehicle, Equipment and Resourcing Requirements. Requirements are outlined in the RFP Documents.


Proponents will be required to provide details of their experience in providing similar services and how they intend to deliver the proposed level of resourcing.

Estimated Timeframe for Delivery

This RFP process will close on the 29th April 2024.

The work is anticipated to be awarded on the 31st July 2024.

The contract commencement date will be the 1st January 2025.

Multi Agency Access
